My listing at 749 15th Street is creating quite the buzz today.  The Daily Camera ran a short story that the house went on the market recently and once it hit the wire I started receiving calls from all corners of the media.  First a local radio station called, then a TV station.  Below is that segment.

I am pleased to be listing this fine home.  It is absolutely beautiful and is a very large unique home which combines the craftsmanship and charm of a 1920’s home with all of the upgrades and conveniences you expect in a modern home.  I am focusing on the house and what a great opportunity it will be for the next owner.  We have priced the home competitively and the current owners continue to make upgrades.  As I watched the photos from 15 years ago come across the screen last night I couldn’t help but notice how the house had changed.  For the better.  It has been loved, well maintained and is staged and ready for that next buyer who is ready to write the next chapter in this lovely home.  For more details on the house go to the property website I have prepared at