Longmont Colorado

Longmont Colorado

Located 15 miles northeast of Boulder and 37 miles north of Denver, Longmont Colorado is in the northeastern corner of Boulder County.  It has spectacular views of Longs Peak and is 30 miles east of Rocky Mountain National Park. The population of Longmont has grown to over 86,000 residents who enjoy the traditional main street, tree lined streets and many economic and recreational opportunities.  Longmont feels like a midwestern town right in the heart of the west.

Just the Facts:

Population:  98,000

Area:   21 square miles

Founded – 1871

Major Employers: 

Xlinix, Seagate, Intrado, FAA, Crocs, DigitalGlobe.


Longmont is served by the Saint Vrain School District.  There are three high schools, six middle schools and sixteen elementary schools.

High Schools (9th – 12th grade):  Longmont, Silver Creek, Skyline

Middle School (6th – 8th grade):  Altona, Heritage, Longs Peak, Sunset, Trail Ridge, Westview

Elementary Schools (K – 5th grade): Alpine, Blue Mountain, Burlington, Central, Columbine, Eagle Crest, Fall River, Loma Linda, Longmont Estates, Mountain View, Northridge, Rocky Mountain, Sanborn, Spangler

For scores for individual schools go to http://reportcard.cde.state.co.us/reportcard/CommandHandler.jsp

Longmont Real Estate Statistics:

Median Price:  $500,000 (Up 14.4% from last year)

Average Price:  $543,618

Total number of Sales:  1,666

Sales Price to List Price Ratio: 103.4%

Sales $0 – $250,000:  25 (1.5%)

Sales $250,001 – $500,000: 818 (49%)

Sales $500,001 – $750,000: 628 (38%)

Sales $750,001 – $1 MM:  160 (10%)

Sales > $1 Million: 35 (2%)

Sales data is for the one year period ending December 31, 2021 and includes both single family and attached homes.

The chart below shows the median price of single family homes in the City of Longmont between 1997 and 2021.    Longmont’s historical prices are depicted by the purple line below.


The St. Vrain Greenway Trail is a great place to take a bike ride or to enjoy a leisurely walk next to the river.  There are many tree lined parks and three golf courses in Longmont.  Longmont has its own city owned recreation center.  There are many ball fields and a skateboard park as well.  Rocky Mountain National Park is just a short drive to the west.  Longmont’s outlying rural areas are a great place to take a long bike ride.



There are many choices for dining in Longmont Colorado.  Whether you are looking for a locally owned one-of-a-kind restaurant or a national chain, you will not be left dissapointed.  Here are a few helpful webpages to help you find a great restaurant.




Longmont has many options for shopping.  There are many shops along Main Street, stores at the Twin Peaks Mall and some large format retailers on the Southeast and Northeast parts of town.



City of Longmont http://www.ci.longmont.co.us

Longmont Times Call http://www.longmontfyi.com/

Longmont Chamber of Commerce http://longmontchamber.org/

Visit Longmont http://www.visitlongmont.org/