Whittier Walking tour

This self-guided Boulder walking tour is one of a series that I created for those who would like to explore Boulder by foot. You may want to combine this tour with the one for Mapleton Hill.

Download The Whittier Neighborhood Walking Tour in PDF

The following detailed directions will take you on a walking tour through the historic Whittier Neighborhood on the east end of Downtown Boulder. This neighborhood is just east of downtown and is one of Boulder’s oldest. The houses are generally smaller than on Mapleton Hill but the streets are charming, and the properties are well kept. You will find a mix of small cottages, larger Victorian houses and now there is a nice mix of modern homes as well. The tour is 2.75 miles in length including a half mile optional walk on Sunset Hill.

  1. Begin on the Pearl Street Mall atthe intersection of (1) Broadway and Pearl Streets.
    Boulder County Courthouse From Pearl Street Mall

    Boulder County Courthouse From Pearl Street Mall

    Head east (away from the mountains) walking along the Pearl Street Mall.

  2. At 14th Street take a left. As you head north you will pass the historic Boulder Theatre, the Methodist Church (built in 1891) and the Shambhala Meditation Center. Stay on the right side of the street.
  3. Take a right on Pine and walk directly in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church. This section of town has Boulder’s oldest and most beautiful churches.
  4. Take a left on 15th and head up the hill. At Mapleton cross the street and head up SONY DSCthe alley. At the end of the alley keep walking up the steep hill on the sidewalk. At the top of the sidewalk you will be on Sunset Hill. Continue straight and take a round trip walk down Sunset Street (optional .5 mile section). You will see an interesting mix of original houses and new houses that take advantage of the great view. Walk up the right side and back on the left side. If you are in a hurry you can skip this Sunset Hill walk.
  5. Take a left (east) on High Street, and continue to the end of the street.
  6. At the east end of the cul-de-sac take the hidden staircase that is just to the left of SONY DSC1650 High Street. Follow the staircase down to Bluff Street and walk down to 22nd where you can take a detour up Lovers Hill Park and take a rest on the quiet bench. Here you will find a good view of the red roofs of the CU campus and another quiet hilltop cul-de-sac.
  7. When you are back down on Bluff continue east and then take a right on 23rd
  8. In one block take a right at Mapleton and head back west. Continue on Mapleton for five blocks.
  9. Take a left at 18th Street, here you will find Jessie Fitzpatrick Park one of Boulder’s pocket parks. As you cross Pine and Spruce you again fee the transition between residential and commercial.
  10. Right on Pearl. As you hit Pearl you will be in the heart of the East Pearl retail Snooze Boulderdistrict. Here you will find boutiques, restaurants and coffee shops. Continue along Pearl until you reach your starting point again.